Amanah is PAS in orange coat, DAP should stop hypnotising Chinese community

Chai Kim Sen
June 14, 2016 16:00 MYT
Pakatan Harapan
Published below in full is a media statement by MCA Publicity Bureau Chairman, Dato’ Chai Kim Sen.

Parti Amanah Negara is nothing but PAS, the political party donning an orange-hued suit, different on the outside, yet same on the inside.
From top to the bottom, Amanah’s management and grassroots are derived from PAS, where they have long been influenced by PAS and possess the same thinking.
Both parties are slightly different in their modus operandi, but they remain the same inside out.
Therefore, the party’s supremacy and integrity are of the same DNA as that of PAS.
DAP is eager to brand Amanah as a new party different from PAS, after realising its past mistakes of promoting PAS to the Chinese community.
MUST READ: DAP admits that voters confused with Amanah
When the DAP-PAS relationship turned sour, it quickly distanced itself from PAS and decided to use Amanah to cover up its faults.
However, DAP fails to convince the public to support Amanah, which is a young party established for only 6 months.
It is illogical that Amanah is able to replace PAS, as the Islamist party has been around long enough to influence and groom Amanah.
When Dato’ Seri Hadi Awang tabled the Private Member’s Bill to enhance the Syariah court’s jurisdiction colloquially known as the “hudud Bill”, Amanah was stripped of its ‘orange coat’ and quickly threw its support for the hudud Bill.
The only difference is that Hadi’s Bill is to be implemented immediately, while Mat Sabu’s Amanah plans to have it enforced later.
It is akin to the 2008 scenario where PAS self-packaged itself as ‘Welfare State’ in efforts to sugarcoat the theocratic state intent.
Then DAP helped to fuel its popularity by singing ‘The Moon Represents My Heart’ along the streets to fish for more non-Muslim votes in 2013.
MUST READ: No agenda in backing Amanah, says DAP
At last, the non-Muslims swung their support to PAS and this emboldened PAS to push forward its political agenda.
Amanah is a newby in need of non-Muslims support, so it hides its conservative agenda and uses DAP to whitewash its image.
It follows a typical trail of PAS in empowering itself to gain support and proves that both parties share the same DNA.
DAP is aware of this but allows itself to be used by Amanah to garner votes, and even helps to hypnotise the Chinese community into believing the party.
What more shameful is that DAP holds on to PAS on one hand in Selangor, but remains close to Amanah on the other, indicating that the party is insincere to the Chinese community, and only wants to cling on to its political power.
In the end, the future of the nation is forsaken following the destruction of the Federal Constitution and its multi-cultural assets.
Dato’ Chai Kim Sen
MCA Publicity Bureau Chairman
MCA Deputy National Organising Secretary
#Amanah #DAP #Pakatan Harapan #Parti Amanah Negara #PAS