DAP provocation can break up Pakatan - PAS Ulama

Irwan Muhammad Zain
June 3, 2015 15:18 MYT
He also said that this edition of the muktamar had been a platform to criticise PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang. - File Photo
DAP’s attitude is seen as an intervention in the PAS elections and will lead to the creation of a provocation that will lead to the revocation of political collaboration (tahaluf siyasi) within the Islamic party, says newly-minted PAS Dewan Ulama chief, Datuk Dr Mahfodz Mohamed.
Speaking at the wing's 54th PAS general assembly Dr Mahfodz said, DAP provocation is obvious in the PAS elections -- particularly in showing its support to leaders who are easy to work with.
“The latest is that DAP has signaled to meddle in the PAS elections citing that it would make its decision regarding its position in Pakatan Rakyat after the annual muktamar (general assembly) this month.
“This is a clear intervention for representatives to choose DAP-pro leaders.
“The situation is a reminder to us about the terms on tahaluf siyasi underlined by the 2009 PAS Ulama Syura council.
“DAP's provocative move can be seen as a hindrance to the implementation of a political collaboration between the Islamic party and the socialist party,” said Dr Mahfodz in his keynote address at the PAS’ Dewan Ulama general assembly here today.
Dr Mahfodz also slammed the attitude of some quarters of PAS leaders and members who are seen to be bowing down to the demands of its political ally that has weakened the Islamic party.
He also said that this edition of the muktamar had been a platform to criticise PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang.
The attitude demonstrated by some quarters seemed to show that they have failed in their attempts in ensuring top party leadership would bow down to their needs and demands.
#2009 PAS Ulama Syura council #DAP #Mahfodz Mohamed #Pakatan Rakyat