KUALA LUMPUR:Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin is now in a precarious position due to the attitude of PAS that is not completely loyal to the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) president, said Parti Amanah Nasional (Amanah) committee member, Faiz Fadzil.

In a statement today, he said although PAS agreed to join the Perikatan Nasional (PN), the party still gave priority to Muafakat Nasional (MN) which was founded together with UMNO.

Fahmi added PAS had formed an official cooperation with UMNO before the 'Sheraton Move' which allowed Muhyiddin to be appointed as prime minister.

"Muhyiddin's increasingly shaky position is actually not just because of UMNO's political game, but because PAS is not completely loyal to him because he is still playing tricks with UMNO.

"Although PAS chose to join PN, MN is still a priority, so it is not impossible that UMNO and PAS are planning a new strategy to sidestep Muhyiddin as prime minister.

"It is PAS who has betrayed the political coalition several times before, they can definitely do it again," he said.

Faiz also claimed that Muhyiddin's influence among the people has been waning due to the PN government's action to defend the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Datuk Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali who violated the COVID-19 standard operating procedure (SOP) after returning from Turkey.

"The PAS minister was severely criticised by the people and gave a negative image to Muhyiddin because of his double standard attitude. Now, the people no longer care if Muhyiddin is eliminated," he added.

PAS also, Faiz claimed, supported the application for a declaration of Emergency despite knowing there was no such requirement under Article 150 of the Federal Constitution.

According to the Permatang Pasir State Assemblyman (ADUN), the attitude of PAS which supported the application for Emergency, was one of the reasons why Muhyiddin could not survive as prime minister.

"Muhyiddin's tenure as prime minister is now like being on the edge of a cliff. Can Muhyiddin survive the hypocritical attitude of PAS in this politics? Only time will tell," he said.