Will the Rantau by-election be really competitive?

Amerul Azry Abdul Aziz
April 3, 2019 23:24 MYT
Dr Streram's candidacy shows that PKR appreciated every effort made by the doctor to legally regain his right to re-contest. - Filepic/Astro AWANI
WHEN the windy rumours of another by-election would be held in Negeri Sembilan were whispered ears to ears, I predicted that any prominent politician, especially member of parliament, from Pakatan Harapan would be named as a candidate to stand against Mat Hasan — the incumbent who has been defending Rantau as his political region since 2004.
Instead, PKR's Dr S Streram was the one called to refill his ejected candidacy.
Dr Streram's candidacy, on the other hand, shows that PKR appreciated every effort made by the doctor to legally regain his right to re-contest in the by-election.
This by-election is the big one for Barisan Nasional, a growing opposition coalition, that eyes on resuming its consistency in scoring its third goal after Semenyih. Tok Mat doesn't want to be defeated.
Of course, in politics, an incumbent never wants to lose, especially he or she is the top echelon of the party. Same goes to Dr Streram.
He wishes to end his hardships he faced with a memorable victory that can be written in his life story as a politician. But that won't be easy. BN will go all out in securing Mat Hasan's "hometown".
With frustrations thrown against the ruling government, BN has an easy way to fish votes from Rantau's people, especially young voters who are regretful of voting PH in GE14. It is a tough job for PH.
After losing two by-elections in a row, the lights at the end of the tunnel are slowly getting dimmed by the people's dissatisfactions.
Even it's just a by-election, national issues are and would be heavily tooled by the opposition to convince the voters about retaining Tok Mat as their beloved representative.
As proven in the last two by-elections, promising "developmental agendas" like building school, hospital and even landing spots for flying cars won't touch voters' hearts.
So, if PH is very serious about defeating Mat Hasan, its leaders and the candidate need to find other sensational strategies that can persuade voters to give their votes to the PKR candidate.
Every strategy created in winning competitive contests like political elections that what makes contestants boosted to catch victory.
May the right candidate with strong aspirations, sincere heart and no doubtful finesses be chosen to lead the people of Rantau.
#Barisan Nasional #Dr S Streram #Mohamad Hasan #Negeri Sembilan #Pakatan Harapan #Rantau by-election #Rantau Memilih #Tok Mat Hasan