What is Lailatul Qadr?

Datuk Ismail Kamus
July 7, 2014 00:00 MYT
DEVOTION: On the night of Lailatul Qadr, Muslims often offer extra prayers. They awake, pray, and hope God will give them anything they may desire on this night.
Author's Note: In conjunction with the holy month of Ramadan, we will publish a series of questionnaires to heighten the understanding and appreciation towards the act of fasting. These questions are taken from 'Soal Jawab Remeh-Temeh Tentang Puasa Tapi Anda Malu Bertanya'. Published by Telaga Biru Sdn Bhd, the book was written by Datuk Ismail Kamus and Mohammad Bidzam Abdul Kadir.
What is Lailatul Qadr?
A topic which is often discussed during Ramadan is Lailatul Qadr (the Night of Decree).
What is the night of Lailatul Qadr? The existence of this one special night is known as Lailatul Qadr – one of the benefits for the month of Ramadan. Muslims believe the first verses of the Qur'an were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on this night. Allah's verse states: "Indeed, We sent the Qur'an down during the Night of Decree." (Verse al-Qadr:1)
The advantages of doing ibadah during this night is equivalent to a thousand month of ibadah and good deeds. A thousand months is equivalent to 84 years. Arguably, it is fortunate to obtain the blessings of this night, even if it is once in our lifetime. The benefits of the 1,000 months are clearly stated in the Qur'an which translates: "The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months." (Verse al-Qadr:3)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) encourages his people to be in search of Lailatul Qadr. As in the Prophet's words, translated: "To those who awaken during the Night of Power with faith and thirst of HIS blessings, their past sins will be forgiven" (Riwayat Bukhary).
Which night is deemed an ideal night for Lailatul Qadr?
No one can tell exactly when Lailatul Qadr occurs. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) states: "Lailatul Qadr occurs during the last 10 days of Ramadan" (Bukhary).
For the simple fact that the actual date is unknown, it is said to be one of the magical aspects of Lailatul Qadr as Muslims should always strive to be in ibadah and increase their good deeds. The small yet consistent good deeds are far better than the many deeds done only at certain times.
From the first day of Ramadan until the 10th day, mosques are often filled with Muslims attending Isya' and Tarawih prayers as well as Quranic recitations and others. And normally, the congregational prayers at the mosques will decline as Muslims are tied up with Hari Raya preparations; baking cookies, setting up fireworks and the like.
During the third phase of Ramadan, which is usually from the 20th day until the end of the holy month, mosques will be even less occupied. This habit must change. It is during the third phase of Ramadan that people should be attending to their ibadah even more, in search of Lailatul Qadr.
Is there a particular method in reaching Lailatul Qadr?
The method is simple – one should perform his or her ibadah and good deeds every night, from the first until the final night of Ramadan. If you are motivated enough, God willing, Lailatul Qadr is yours.
List of ibadah that can be done to obtain the benefits of Lailatul Qadr
1. Break fast moderately by following the Sunnah or the common practice of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who would only consume dates and drinking water before anything else.
2. Perform Maghrib and Isya' prayers in congregation. The Prophet said: "Whoever performs their Maghrib and Isya' prayers on Lailatul Qadr in congregation, they have obtained their part in Lailatul Qadr" (Tafsir Al-Qurtubi).
3. Perform the Tarawih prayers
4. Al-Qur'an recitation
5. Qiyamullail: waking up for Tahajjud (late night prayers after having a sleep after Isya' prayers)
6. Have Sahur (pre-dawn meal)
7. Refrain from non-beneficial deeds
#Lailatul Qadr #Ramadan #Telaga Biru