Killing cacti or collecting cuttings: Where are you when it comes to houseplants?

ETX Studio
October 30, 2021 15:45 MYT
Why not try a terrarium as an easy way to get into houseplants? - ETX Studio
WHILE some people give their plants names or customize their pots, there are others to whom you wouldn't entrust a cactus. But then, all plant lovers have got to start somewhere. First you buy a plant, then you find yourself talking to it, and before you know it you're giving it a name and watching watering tutorials online. So, where are you on the scale?
Level 1: You buy some plants ...
... but they die within a week. As far as plants go, you're at the same level as with the goldfish you won at the fair in fifth grade -- you know, the one who went to swim in the big old fish tank in the sky (via your toilet bowl). Yet, you still believe.
When you go to IKEA, you can't help but fall for a cactus or a yucca.
But inevitably, one ends up drowned by overwatering, while the other dries out in front of the window and standing in a draft.
Perhaps it's time to move to level 2.
Level 2: You try a terrarium
Tired of plant cruelty, you turn your efforts and affection to a terrarium.
This time, it can't fail, as this small world in a bottle only needs a few drops of water.
You regain confidence.
Level 3: You start repotting
Your yucca and your succulents (you have to start easy) are all doing well.
You go easy with the watering can, and you place them exactly where they need to be to thrive and it works!
Your plants are happy, healthy... and are now outgrowing their pots. You watch your first YouTube tutorials on repotting your treasures.
You might even give your green-thumbed grandma a call.
Level 4: You start following "plantstagrammers"
Suddenly, your Instagram feed is full of photos of your home looking halfway between a jungle and a winter garden.
You love care and maintenance tips as much as decorating ideas.
In fact, your plants are starting to invade your bookshelves.
Soon, there'll be no room left for books.
Level 5: You start giving them names
Frank the Yucca and Anna the Monstera are doing well.
Since lockdown, you've been talking to your plants every day, so much so that you've given them little names.
The more creative among you might even have crafted a custom name sticker and decorated their pots.
Lockdown sure was long...
Level 6: Now you're the plantstagrammer
Suddenly, it's all about #Monsteramonday and #Philodendronfriday, it's your grandmother calling you for tips, and you're one step away from the cover of a gardening magazine.
Congratulations on your success.
#plantstagrammers #Philodendronfriday #Yucca #English News