AN 11-year-old girl started a literary movement as she was sick of “reading about white boys and dogs."

As reported by Mashable, Marley Dias’s campaign called #1000BlackGirlBooks is set on a mission to collect and donate books in which black girls are the main characters.

"I was sick of reading about white boys and dogs. And I told (my mom) I was going to start a book drive, and a specific book drive, where black girls are the main characters in the book and not background characters or minor characters," Dias told the Philly Voice, as quoted by Mashable.

The campaign aims to collect 1,000 books by February 11.

Twitter is already buzzing with this campaign, as netizens snapped photos of books they have donated.


In other news, this campaign coincidentally came about as Hollywood faces #OscarsSoWhite backlash over lack of diversity.

Last week, Will Smith has confirmed that he will be joining his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, in not attending the Academy Awards on February 28.