Polls closed across the US on Tuesday night and early results from the presidential election between incumbent Republican Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden show a tight race in a number of battleground states.

What is the latest?

Who is leading?

Swing states?

There are nine swing states, also known as battlegrounds where these states are likely to decide who is the next president.

Florida and Pennsylvania is important to the 2020 U.S. election, as these states have been referred to by most experts as the ‘make or break’ for the presidential candidates.

As things stand, Donald Trump is ahead in the remaining five of these and has won two and lost two:

Voter turnout?

Votes for the US Congress?

The US is not just voting for their next president but also candidates for the US Congress (House of Representatives and Senate).

Whoever wins the White House won’t be governing alone, as laws in the US are voted on by the Congress.