UMNO today begins its election of leaders of its three UMNO wings—namely the Youth, Wanita, and Puteri.

Some 230,000 delegates will choose their new leaders, both at the divisional and national levels, who in turn are expected to chart the course the Malay political party especially in the 14th General Election.

For the first time in the party's history, a much larger number of delegates will be voting, compared to the 2,500 or so delegates in the election of its wings in 2011.

This is happening because due to the amendment to the party's constitution in 2009 which aims to 'democratise' the party, as well as weed out money politics.

Most keenly watched posts will be the UMNO Youth and Wanita position, both being defended by its respective incumbents Khairy Jamaluddin and Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.

Some observers have already concluded that both Khairy and Shahrizat have the comfortable lead in this race.

For 37-year-old Khairy, his most serious contender is son of UMNO veteran Tan Sri Sanusi Junid, Akhramsyah.

The other three Youth chief aspirants – Syed Rosli Syed Harman, Abdul Karim Ali and Irwan Ambak Khalid Izhar – have already been written off as spoilers.

Youth Chief contenders

There are those who argue that Akhramsyah’s “Hidup Melayu” slogan of the Malay and Islamic agenda might resonate more with the delegates as opposed to Khairy’s more liberal and inclusive stance.

As for slogans, Khairy seem to be banking on getting more “results” and “not rhetoric”. And Khairy may probably find a favourable result with his ‘incumbency’ advantage, coupled with his Ministerial position and popularity.

For 60-year-old Shahrizat, the cattle-rearing NFC scandal certainly remains a cloud that haunts her.

But her contenders Datuk Maznah Mazlan, and more so Raihan Suleiman Palestin is not seen as a ‘heavyweight’ enough to unseat her easily.

Wanita UMNO Chief contenders

Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, who withdrew her candidacy, would probably given Shahrizat a much tougher fight, observers say.

However, Maznah has reportedly steadily gained ground throughout the campaign though it has been noted that Shahrizat has the official backing of most 191 Wanita division chiefs.

Shahrizat's loyal Wanita following, coupled with her image as the champion of women issues, as well as her position as a special adviser to the Prime Minister, are seen as her selling points.

As for the fight for the Puteri UMNO top post, which was vacated by Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin as she is no longer eligible age-wise, it is considered more subdued.

UMNO Puteri Chief contenders

The contenders are Mas Ermieyati Samsudin, Jamilah Hanim Othman and two new faces.

The election, where party grassroots members who are given the right to chooose who to
lead them for the next three years, begins at 8am following the delegate’s meeting of each three wings.

These simultaneous meetings will be held at 191 divisions for the Wanita, Youth and Puteri divisional executive committees and national executive committee (exco).

At the divisional meetings, there will be a tabling of annual accounts before the election process begins proper.

Delegates will be given ballots to fill out. This time, instead of marking ‘X’, delegates are to write down the numbers of the candidate he or she choose.

Voting ends at about noon while divisional meeting resumes while votes are counted

Election today will see 110,765 Wanita delegates, about 70,000 Youth delegates and about 50,000 Puteri delegates voting.

According to a Bernama report quoting UMNO Election Committee 2013 chairman, Tan Sri Tajol Rosli Ghazali, the elections of the three party wings today would see 51 eligible Wanita candidates contesting at the national level and 6,758 at the divisional level.

As for the Youth election, 94 candidates will be contesting for posts at the national level and 7,125 at the divisional level. For the Puteri wing, the figures are 35 and 4,955 respectively.

While allegation of money politics still swirls around the UMNO election, party disciplinary board chairman Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas recently warned that action can be taken at the slightest hint of wrongdoings.

UMNO executive secretary Datuk Abdul Rauf Yusoh said the results of the elections were expected to be known as early as 8pm if the process goes on smoothly.

However, many would expect results to come in at 2am or even later.