We are calling out to all Malaysians to join us and be an agent of change for #RasuahBusters.

1. What is #RasuahBusters?

#RasuahBusters is a campaign to eradicate corruption in Malaysia - bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, influence peddling, graft and embezzlement. It includes grand versus petty corruption, conventional versus unconventional corruption and public versus private corruption.

2. Why must we do this?

Corruption is bad for society and business. It does not promote the best use of economic resources. Corruption guarantees that the wrong person gets the job.

Productivity means using the least resources to produce the most results. Corruption gets in the way of productivity as more resources than necessary are spent. When the wrong person gets the job, the final product or service is never at its best; and often-times they are not even up to par.

When bribes are paid, when someone who should not get the job gets it because of corruption, everyone loses, even the very people that got the bribe and the project. The one who receives the bribe does not learn how to get his work done through proper means, the ones who get the project do not do their job well because there is no need for them to.

When there is dishonesty and corruption anywhere in our nation, everyone loses. And Malaysians do not want to put up with it any more. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

We want modern services and a better standard of living; we want up-to-date medical facilities at par with the world’s best, available to every Malaysian. We desire strong and efficient infrastructure and support systems for a superior quality of life.

But corruption is taking these away from us!

We want good schools, roads, hospitals, offices, shops and homes. We want institutions of higher learning where our children can thrive and when they graduate, we want growth that ensures they have secure jobs with increasing incomes. We want progress and we are entitled to move forward towards a brighter future.

But corruption is stealing these from us!

At the deepest level, corruption is against our beliefs, our faith and moral values.

We must know that while society can create institutions, legal frameworks, rules and laws to deter corruption, the last line of defence lies squarely on the individual, on you and I.

In our strategy to combat corruption we must focus on ourselves too. We must convince each individual that we all stand to lose and that corruption will ruin all in the end. Let us tell our leaders that we want development minus corruption while at the same time promise ourselves that we too will not succumb to it, even if it is just to run away from getting a police summons.

We can do this. We have the ability and capacity to build a better you, a better me and a better Malaysia!

We are #RasuahBusters! We need you to join us. Together we will work hard to be the conscience of the nation.

3. What is our approach?

Our compass is the Rukunegara, the Malaysian Federal Constitution and shared values within our faith and traditions.

As an agent of change we will use the following #RasuahBusters guide: -

a. Always use mercy and compassion as the first act in finding solutions.
b. Do not be judgemental – everyone is innocent until proven otherwise.
c. The end does not justify the means – the journey is as important as the destination.
d. We use positive language and proposition at all times and are never rude.
e. Let’s move forward - we use wisdom to propose amnesty when it is appropriate but with conditions.

4. Who are we?

We, you and I, are a coalition of the willing – individuals and groups.

The movement follows a decentralised approach where the #RasuahBusters Central Team (#RBCT) acts as the initiator. The task of the #RBCT is to create awareness and make available basic materials, recommended skills and knowledge needed to kick-start and grow the movement. We help draw up the basic sets of behaviours needed to create a positive culture that avoids the taking and giving of bribes. We will also look into the bigger picture and assist the nation to put in place the people, processes and structures that are crucial for a longer-term impact.

You* can be part of the #RasuahBusters by initiating these actions: -

a. As an individual, representing your own convictions.
b. In your family.
c. In your close community – e.g. - groups of friends, school, religious cells/qariah, clubs, office, etc.
d. Work place –government and private sectors - e.g. A CEO or HOD can launch a #RasuahBuster initiative within their organization or set informal #RasuahBusters teams at work.
e. Social and political groupings – NGOs, NPOs, political parties, pressure groups, etc.

*Remember to use the #RasuahBuster Guide as your standard operating behaviour.

5. When, Where and How can you start your own #RasuahBuster movement?


a. Start by first promising to yourself that you will try very hard to not give or take a bribe for the rest of your life.
b. Announce your stand both online and do it in person with all your close family members and friends.
c. Create your own #RasuahBuster Team (#RBT) within your own social group both in person and virtually. Give your #RBT a name e.g. #RBTGangLamaPg, #RBTKeluargaMamat, #RBTFrenz4Life, etc
d. Enrol your family, friends and colleagues to your #RBT. Share this letter with them.
e. Share your materials and ideas with us.
f. Share about #RasuahBusters as best as you can and invite your family and friends to register as a #RasuahBusters and visit the platforms below to get helpful information and materials.

To register as a #RasuahBusters: https://bit.ly/3ctmxSy
Portal: www.rasuahbusters.com
Facebook: Rasuah Busters
Instagram: rasuahbusters
Twitter: rasuahbusters
email  : [email protected],
(WA)  : To join as a volunteer: 019-3823635
(WA)   : To register any complains: 019-6680920

g. Please hashtag #RasuahBusters for all social media postings so that we can measure success.

6. Can you be creative and create your own materials?

Yes!! Please do! We want to harness the creativity, talent and spirit of all Malaysians. Young and old – from Perlis to Sabah. We Malaysians are a creative lot. We need to work with people who are smarter and more talented than us. We want the best so please give your best. Do what you can to help us eradicate corruption but always remember to work within the approach and guide as outlined in point 3 above.

My dear Malaysians, I congratulate you for joining us in this very important journey. However, we must remember that the goal of eradicating corruption is bigger than all of us be it as an individual or group. So the overriding rule is - only follow and support my team and I when we do the right things and stay true to our #RasuahBusters approach and guide. Correct us when we are wrong. We are only human but we promise you we will try our best. I have strong convictions that you will ask the same from yourself and your team, too.

This is just the beginning of our journey. While it is good to first address the symptoms and achieve small wins, in building lasting change, our ultimate aim is to create new national habits and norms with the highest ethical standards and moral values through addressing the root cause of corruption.

Together we will eradicate corruption and build a better Malaysia! 

Thank you,

Saya yang tak nak terima dan beri rasuah,

Hussamuddin Yaacub
Team Leader
#RasuahBusters Central Team
Kuala Lumpur