KANGAR: 'New Perlis' has become a hot topic among folk in this state after Perikatan Nasional (PN) took over its administration from the Barisan Nasional (BN) government.

PN managed to form the next state government after winning 14 out of the 15 State Legislative Assembly seats, in addition to making a clean sweep of all three parliamentary constituencies, namely Padang Besar, Arau and Kangar, in the 15th general election (GE15).

A Bernama survey found that the people of Perlis are ready to come under the administration of the PN state government, which promises a 'New Perlis'.

Forty-three-year-old Shahril Abu Seman, a private sector worker, said he hoped that the PN government would bring changes to the state's development, which is seen as lagging behind other states.

"Perlis can be seen to be behind by five years compared to other states. We hope the Perlis PN leaders can fulfil their pledges and responsibilities," he told Bernama today.

He said the people of Perlis made a bold move in electing PN in GE15 because they trusted the capability of PN to bring changes to the state.

"We will give the PN government five years to govern the state, if they fail to fulfil their promises, we will then vote for another change," he said.

Sixty-one-year-old Loo Chin Soon, a gas tank dealer here, concurred, saying although the previous government was good at channelling aid, perhaps the people wanted something different in GE15, adding that he hoped the new candidates would further empower the livelihood of the people in the state.

"The previous candidates were also good and there was no problem. But a wave of change swept through the state in the election this time and I hope they (the PN candidates) are capable of carrying out their duties," he said.

Self-employed Hasmizan Hussein, 43, hoped that the Menteri Besar candidate will be someone with a good personality, is people-friendly and, most importantly, always around when Perlis folk are in trouble.

"I see that the candidates can work, we'll let them try first and then we'll judge them. The main thing is they must always meet us and hopefully develop Perlis to become a more advanced state," he said.

Meanwhile, Perlis Police chief Datuk Surina Saad said the process of forming the new government in the state went smoothly and peacefully.

"Alhamdulillah, the situation in Perlis is peaceful and nothing untoward or any provocation has occurred so far," she said.