Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak today slammed the opposition parties in the country for allegedly hiding behind a non-governmental organisation to fight the government.

He said that as the defeated side in the election, the opposition parties had the right to criticise the government but they had to use the proper channels to do so.

"But in Malaysia, the situation is different. The opposition parties use an NGO, which purportedly does not favour any political party and fights corruption, to pressure the government through rallies," he said in a post entitled 'Sandiwara Perhimpunan Pembangkang' (Theatrics of Opposition Rallies) uploaded today on his blog.

Najib said the people were aware that the NGO was actually a puppet of the opposition as almost all the rallies it had held and wanted to hold were led by leaders of opposition parties.

"At their second rally, they rioted in Kuala Lumpur, overturning police cars. At the third rally, they followed the orders of their leader and rammed police barriers, causing a commotion.

"At the fourth rally, they cheered for the toppling of the ruling party but claimed to be non-partisan. Finally, at the forthcoming fifth rally, they are revering opposition leaders charged with corruption when they claim to want to fight corruption.

"Is it not very clear that their struggle is false and the rally is just a movement of opposition parties hiding behind a so-called non-partisan NGO to fight a government elected by the people?" said Najib.

The Prime Minister said the majority of the people were fed up with the tactics employed by the opposition, and only wanted good service from the government.

"That's what my team and I will continue to do," he said.