The government will implement the Sungai Rampayan Flood Mitigation Project in Manggatal to overcome flood woes in Manggatal and its surrounding areas, Environment and Water Minister Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said.

He said based on the ministry’s record, the RM36 million project had never been scrapped even with the change of government after the 14th General Election (GE14).

“I promise to ensure that the project will proceed so that the flood woes in Manggatal and its surrounding areas could be resolved,” he said at the Barisan Nasional’s (BN) campaign programme in Inanam, near here today.

Tuan Ibrahim said this in response to the public’s concerns raised by BN candidate for Karambunai state seat Datuk Yakub Khan in his speech earlier.

Also present were Sabah BN chairman and candidate for Lamag state seat Datuk Seri Bung Moktar Radin, and BN candidate for Darau seat, Datuk Jumat Idris.

Meanwhile, Tuan Ibrahim said Sabah PAS had prepared their machinery to assist BN and Perikatan Nasional (PN) candidates in the Sabah state election.

“Yesterday, I have met with 500 members of PAS election machinery from all over Sabah and today, they have returned to their respective constituencies to help campaigning for our allies’ candidates,” he said.

Bung Moktar, on the other hand, said BN’s campaign, which entered the fifth day today, had continued gaining momentum.

“I am monitoring and receiving reports on the flow of the campaign across the state on daily basis and I am satisfied with the positive development reported so far,” he said.

Bung Moktar also expressed his thanks and appreciation for the support given by BN’s allies during the campaign.