Lawyer Fahmi Abd Moin, who represents Zaim Ikhwan Zahari and Ismanira Abdul Manaf, said the representation was filed on Nov 19.
"I submitted a representation to request the AGC to review and to withdraw the charge against both my clients," the lawyer said when contacted today.
On Sept 18, Petaling Jaya Sessions Court Judge Dr Syahliza Warnoh set Dec 6 for case management to find out the outcome of the representation after the lawyer told the court that he would submit a representation soon.
The court set a trial date for the case for 15 days, starting from Jan 20 to 24, Feb 3 to 7 and Feb 17 to 21 next year, with the prosecution expected to call 15 witnesses.
On June 13, Zaim Ikhwan and Ismanira, both 29, pleaded not guilty at the Sessions Court here to the charge of neglecting the six-year-old autistic child in a manner likely to cause physical harm to him between noon on Dec 5 and 9.55 pm on Dec 6, 2023.
The charge under Section 31 (1) (a) of the Children Act 2001 and is punishable under Section 31 (1) of the same act read together with Section 34 of the Penal Code provides for a maximum fine of RM50,000 or jail term not exceeding 20 years or both, if convicted.
On Dec 6, Zayn Rayyan's body was found lying in a stream near his home in Idaman Apartment, Damansara Damai near here after being reported missing the day before.
The child is believed to have been murdered when the autopsy results revelead signs of self-defence injuries on his neck and body.