HERE are the latest developments in the coronavirus crisis:

- Brussels protest -

Belgian police fire water cannon to disperse protesters opposed to compulsory health measures against Covid.

- 'Encouraging' signs on Omicron -

Early indications of the severity of the Omicron Covid-19 variant are "a bit encouraging", top US pandemic advisor Anthony Fauci says, while cautioning that more information is still needed.

- Jump in cases in Denmark -

Denmark has seen a "concerning" jump to 183 confirmed cases of the Omicron variant of Covid-19, a tripling of confirmed cases in  48 hours, health authorities say.

- Riyadh okays entry for Sputnik-jabbed -

Saudi Arabia has granted approval for people vaccinated with Russia's Sputnik jab to enter the country in a move that will enable Muslims to take part in religious pilgrimages, the vaccine's developers say.

- Britain demands negative test for entry -

The UK government announces that those travelling to the country will need to show a negative coronavirus test pre-departure as it reintroduces Covid-19 restrictions because of the Omicron variant.

- Jordan jails hospital chief over 10 Covid deaths -

A Jordanian court sentences to three years in jail the director of a state hospital over the death of 10 patients at the facility which treated coronavirus patients.